What to Do If the Online Casino Is Blocked and You Have Money in Your Account?

if online casino blocked

Playing online casino is fun and easy. All you have to do is create an account in your favorite online casino, deposit some funds, and start playing. But sometimes, issues may arise out of nowhere that may ruin your playing momentum.

This can include mishandled deposits, withdrawal process taking too long, or having your account blocked. A blocked account will hinder you from playing on the website and worse, you lose access to your deposited funds. But no matter how anxious you are about getting your hands on your hard-earned money, do not panic. If your online casino is identified in several online UK casino reviews, you can be confident about resolving basic account handling issues.

Reasons an Online Casino Blocks an Account

  • Too many failed log-in attempts – This is the most common reason why online casino accounts are getting blocked. Wrong username and, or, password that has been entered too many times will make the online casino suspicious of hacking.
  • Account verification problems – This may be related to a violation of the terms and conditions of the online casino. For example, upon registration or when requesting a withdrawal of deposited funds, the casino may ask verification documents to process your request. If you were not able to provide, this can be a justifiable cause for your account to be blocked.
  • Detected fraudulent activities – Fraudulent activities are not just against the terms and conditions of the casinos, but more importantly, they violate the law. These may take different forms such as multiple players scheming to get maximum profits or using unauthorized fund deposit methods. If you are caught, not only will you be blocked but you will also be charged with a crime.
  • Underage account holder – This is subjective according to your region. If you did not reach the minimum allowed legal age to gamble, then your account will be unarguably blocked.

What to Do If an Online Casino Blocks Your Account

Before reaching out to customer service, make sure to check any of the following possible causes listed above. Then after, if you still cannot access your account, then calmly proceed to contact the customer support via chat, email, or phone call.

The customer care personnel should be able to tell you and explain the reason why your account has been blocked. If the reason is simple such as wrong log-in information used, they should also be able to reset it on their end. For verification issues, you may be asked to submit the required additional documents. Go ahead and process it to reverse the blocking action.

If after all these, your account is still blocked with your money in it, then it is time to formally file a complaint.  You can always seek assistance from the casino’s management or through the authorized complaints board. They will mediate in resolving the issue in the fairest way possible.

In Summary

Online casinos have become popular among gamblers because of the convenience it offers players. And it’s all fun and games until issues, like your account getting blocked, happens all of a sudden. But there are ways to reverse this problem by trying out several basic troubleshooting you can do on your own.